Shows number of daily page views of Wikipedia pages.
This example demonstrates:
- Fetching and parsing data from a remote API.
- Building a simple line chart.
- Using
to show peaks in the dataset. - Some shenigans to get labels to position themselves reasonably.
Based on a notebook by Yuri Vishnevsky.
module Peaks exposing (main)
import Axis
import Browser
import Color exposing (Color)
import DateFormat
import Example
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes
import Html.Events
import Http
import Iso8601
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Path exposing (Path)
import Scale exposing (ContinuousScale)
import Shape
import Statistics
import Time
import TypedSvg exposing (defs, g, linearGradient, stop, svg, text_)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (class, dy, fill, fontFamily, id, offset, stopColor, stroke, textAnchor, transform, viewBox, x1, x2, y1, y2)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (fontSize, height, strokeWidth, width, x, y)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Svg, text)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (AnchorAlignment(..), Paint(..), Transform(..), em, percent)
import Url.Builder
-- Constants
w : Float
w =
h : Float
h =
padding : Float
padding =
beginning : Time.Posix
beginning =
time "2018-01-01"
ending : Time.Posix
ending =
time "2019-01-01"
initialQuery : String
initialQuery =
"Cadbury Creme Egg"
-- Getting the data
type alias Data =
List ( Time.Posix, Float )
type Granularity
= Daily
granularityToString : Granularity -> String
granularityToString g =
case g of
Daily ->
timestamp : Time.Posix -> String
timestamp =
DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.yearNumber, DateFormat.monthFixed, DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed ] Time.utc
getData : String -> Time.Posix -> Time.Posix -> Granularity -> Cmd Msg
getData page start end granularity =
{ url =
Url.Builder.crossOrigin ""
[ "api"
, "rest_v1"
, "metrics"
, "pageviews"
, "per-article"
, "en.wikipedia"
, "all-access"
, "user"
, normalizeQuery page
, granularityToString granularity
, timestamp start
, timestamp end
, expect = Http.expectJson GotData (decoder start end)
{-| Wikipedia pages want spaces replaced by underscores.
normalizeQuery : String -> String
normalizeQuery =
String.replace " " "_"
{-| The timestamp format used in the API is YYYYMMDDHH. However, in daily/monthly
granularity the hour is always `00`, so we ingore it and then rely on the Iso8601 parser to get the actual time.
timestampDecoder : Decoder Time.Posix
timestampDecoder =
|> Decode.andThen
(\tstr ->
case Iso8601.toTime (String.left 8 tstr) of
Ok t ->
Decode.succeed t
Err e -> "Couldn't parse time"
decoder : Time.Posix -> Time.Posix -> Decoder Data
decoder start end =
Decode.field "items"
(Decode.map2 Tuple.pair (Decode.field "timestamp" timestampDecoder) (Decode.field "views" Decode.float))
{-| Helper to make time literals.
time : String -> Time.Posix
time =
Iso8601.toTime >> Result.withDefault (Time.millisToPosix 0)
-- Visualization
mainColor : Color
mainColor =
Color.rgb 0.2 0.1 0.95
{-| Generates the curve that represents the data.
line : ContinuousScale Float -> Data -> Path
line yScale data =
|> (\( x, y ) -> Just ( Scale.convert xScale x, Scale.convert yScale y ))
|> Shape.line Shape.monotoneInXCurve
{-| Generates the curve under the data, which we fill with a subtle gradient. This is here simply for effect.
area : ContinuousScale Float -> Data -> Path
area yScale data =
(\( x, y ) ->
( ( Scale.convert xScale x, Tuple.first (Scale.rangeExtent yScale) )
, ( Scale.convert xScale x, Scale.convert yScale y )
|> Shape.area Shape.linearCurve
{-| This scale transforms times into horizontal position.
xScale : ContinuousScale Time.Posix
xScale =
Scale.time Time.utc ( padding, w - padding ) ( beginning, ending )
{-| This is a path representing the litle arrows pointing out the peaks.
arrow : String
arrow =
"M2.73484 7.26517C2.88128 7.41161 3.11872 7.41161 3.26517 7.26517L5.65165 4.87868C5.7981 4.73223 5.7981 4.4948 5.65165 4.34835C5.5052 4.2019 5.26777 4.2019 5.12132 4.34835L3 6.46967L0.87868 4.34835C0.732233 4.2019 0.494796 4.2019 0.34835 4.34835C0.201903 4.4948 0.201903 4.73223 0.34835 4.87868L2.73484 7.26517ZM2.625 1.63918e-08L2.625 7L3.375 7L3.375 -1.63918e-08L2.625 1.63918e-08Z"
{-| Reneders the little callouts for the peaks.
peaksView : ContinuousScale Float -> Data -> List (Svg Msg)
peaksView yScale data =
|> Statistics.peaks Tuple.second { lookaround = 5, sensitivity = 2, coallesce = 15 }
(\( x, y ) ->
xpos =
Scale.convert xScale x
anchor =
if xpos - padding < 50 then
else if xpos + padding > w - 50 then
g [ transform [ Translate (xpos - 3) (Scale.convert yScale y - 12) ] ]
[ TypedSvg.path [ TypedSvg.Attributes.d arrow, fill (Paint ] []
, TypedSvg.text_ [ fontSize 11, fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], textAnchor anchor, TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx.y -5 ]
[ text
[ DateFormat.dayOfMonthNumber
, DateFormat.text " "
, DateFormat.monthNameFull
chart : Data -> Svg Msg
chart data =
yScale =
|> Tuple.second
|> List.maximum
|> Maybe.withDefault 0.01
|> max 0.01
|> Tuple.pair 0
|> Scale.linear ( h - padding, padding )
svg [ viewBox 0 0 w h, width w, height h ]
[ defs []
[ linearGradient [ id "gradient", x1 (percent 0), y1 (percent 0), x2 (percent 0), y2 (percent 100) ]
[ stop [ offset "0%", stopColor "#599EFF" ] []
, stop [ offset "100%", stopColor "#EFF6FF" ] []
, Path.element (area yScale data) [ fill (Reference "gradient") ]
, Path.element (line yScale data) [ stroke (Paint mainColor), fill PaintNone ]
, g [ transform [ Translate 0 (h - padding) ] ]
[ Axis.bottom [ Axis.tickCount 2 ] xScale ]
, g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) 0 ] ]
[ Axis.left [ Axis.tickCount 5 ] yScale ]
, g [] <| peaksView yScale data
-- View
view : Model -> Html Msg
view { data, query } =
Html.div []
[ Html.node "style" [] [ Html.text css ]
, Html.h1 []
[ Html.text "Daily views of "
, Html.input
[ Html.Attributes.type_ "text"
, Html.Attributes.value query
, Html.Events.onInput TypedIntoField
, Html.text " on Wikipedia "
, Html.button [ Html.Events.onClick Submitted ] [ Html.text "Submit" ]
, case data of
Loading ->
Example.loading []
Error e ->
Html.div [ "margin" "20px" ]
[ Example.error (Just Submitted) e
Success d ->
chart d
css : String
css =
body {
font: 16px -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
h1 {
margin-left: 20px;
font-size: 16px;
h1 input[type=text], h1 button {
font-size: 32px;
-- Application
type Msg
= GotData (Result Http.Error Data)
| TypedIntoField String
| Submitted
type alias Model =
{ data : Remote Data
, query : String
type Remote a
= Loading
| Error Http.Error
| Success a
-- Init
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init () =
( { data = Loading, query = initialQuery }, getData initialQuery beginning ending Daily )
-- Update
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GotData (Ok result) ->
( { model | data = Success result }, Cmd.none )
GotData (Err e) ->
( { model | data = Error e }, Cmd.none )
TypedIntoField s ->
( { model | query = s }, Cmd.none )
Submitted ->
( { model | data = Loading }, getData model.query beginning ending Daily )
-- TEA
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =