Crime Viz
This example shows a more opinionated style of a line chart.
- The y axis tick marks show the starting values of each series.
- We position and color a label next to each series.
module CrimeViz exposing (main)
import Axis
import Color exposing (Color)
import Path exposing (Path)
import Scale exposing (ContinuousScale, OrdinalScale)
import Scale.Color
import Shape
import Statistics
import Time
import TypedSvg exposing (g, svg, text_)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (class, dy, fill, fontFamily, stroke, textAnchor, transform, viewBox)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (fontSize, height, strokeWidth, x, y)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Svg, text)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (AnchorAlignment(..), Paint(..), Transform(..), em)
w : Float
w =
h : Float
h =
padding : Float
padding =
series : List { label : String, accessor : CrimeRate -> Int }
series =
[ { label = "Murder"
, accessor = .murder
, { label = "Rape"
, accessor = .rape
, { label = "Robbery"
, accessor = .robbery
, { label = "Assault"
, accessor = .assault
accessors : List (CrimeRate -> Int)
accessors = .accessor series
values : CrimeRate -> List Float
values i = (\a -> toFloat <| a i) accessors
colorScale : OrdinalScale String Color
colorScale = .label series
|> Scale.ordinal Scale.Color.category10
color : String -> Color
color =
Scale.convert colorScale >> Maybe.withDefault
view : List CrimeRate -> Svg msg
view model =
last =
List.reverse model
|> List.head
|> Maybe.withDefault (CrimeRate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
first =
List.head model
|> Maybe.withDefault (CrimeRate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
xScale : ContinuousScale Float
xScale =
|> (.year >> toFloat)
|> Statistics.extent
|> Maybe.withDefault ( 1900, 1901 )
|> Scale.linear ( 0, w - 2 * padding )
yScale : ContinuousScale Float
yScale =
|> (values >> List.maximum >> Maybe.withDefault 0)
|> List.maximum
|> Maybe.withDefault 0
|> (\b -> ( 0, b ))
|> Scale.linear ( h - 2 * padding, 0 )
|> Scale.nice 4
lineGenerator : ( Int, Int ) -> Maybe ( Float, Float )
lineGenerator ( x, y ) =
Just ( Scale.convert xScale (toFloat x), Scale.convert yScale (toFloat y) )
line : (CrimeRate -> Int) -> Path
line accessor = (\i -> ( .year i, accessor i )) model
|> lineGenerator
|> Shape.line Shape.monotoneInXCurve
svg [ viewBox 0 0 w h ]
[ g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) (h - padding) ] ]
[ Axis.bottom [ Axis.tickCount 10 ] xScale ]
, g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) padding ] ]
[ Axis.left [ Axis.ticks (values first) ] yScale
, text_ [ fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], fontSize 10, x 5, y 5 ] [ text "Occurences" ]
, g [ transform [ Translate padding padding ], class [ "series" ] ]
(\{ accessor, label } ->
Path.element (line accessor)
[ stroke <| Paint <| color label
, strokeWidth 3
, fill PaintNone
, g [ fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], fontSize 10 ]
(\{ accessor, label } ->
[ transform
[ Translate (w - padding + 10) (padding + Scale.convert yScale (toFloat (accessor last)))
[ text_ [ fill (Paint (color label)) ] [ text label ] ]
, g [ transform [ Translate (w - padding) (padding + 20) ] ]
[ text_ [ fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], fontSize 20, textAnchor AnchorEnd ] [ text "Violent Crime in the US" ]
, text_ [ fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], fontSize 10, textAnchor AnchorEnd, dy (em 1) ] [ text "Source:" ]
main : Svg msg
main =
view crimeRates
type alias CrimeRate =
{ year : Int
, population : Int
, murder : Int
, rape : Int
, robbery : Int
, assault : Int
, burglary : Int
, larceny : Int
, motorTheft : Int
crimeRates : List CrimeRate
crimeRates =
[ CrimeRate 1994 260327021 23326 102216 618949 1113179 2712774 7879812 1539287
, CrimeRate 1995 262803276 21606 97470 580509 1099207 2593784 7997710 1472441
, CrimeRate 1996 265228572 19645 96252 535594 1037049 2506400 7904685 1394238
, CrimeRate 1997 267783607 18208 96153 498534 1023201 2460526 7743760 1354189
, CrimeRate 1998 270248003 16974 93144 447186 976583 2332735 7376311 1242781
, CrimeRate 1999 272690813 15522 89411 409371 911740 2100739 6955520 1152075
, CrimeRate 2000 281421906 15586 90178 408016 911706 2050992 6971590 1160002
, CrimeRate 2001 285317559 16037 90863 423557 909023 2116531 7092267 1228391
, CrimeRate 2002 287973924 16229 95235 420806 891407 2151252 7057379 1246646
, CrimeRate 2003 290788976 16528 93883 414235 859030 2154834 7026802 1261226
, CrimeRate 2004 293656842 16148 95089 401470 847381 2144446 6937089 1237851
, CrimeRate 2005 296507061 16740 94347 417438 862220 2155448 6783447 1235859
, CrimeRate 2006 299398484 17309 94472 449246 874096 2194993 6626363 1198245
, CrimeRate 2007 301621157 17128 92160 447324 866358 2190198 6591542 1100472
, CrimeRate 2008 304059724 16465 90750 443563 843683 2228887 6586206 959059
, CrimeRate 2009 307006550 15399 89241 408742 812514 2203313 6338095 795652
, CrimeRate 2010 309330219 14722 85593 369089 781844 2168459 6204601 739565
, CrimeRate 2011 311587816 14661 84175 354746 752423 2185140 6151095 716508
, CrimeRate 2012 313873685 14856 85141 355051 762009 2109932 6168874 723186
, CrimeRate 2013 316128839 14196 79770 345031 724149 1928465 6004453 699594