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Custom Pie Chart

Edit on Ellie

Custom Pie Chart

An interactive example showing the effect of various options on pie generators.

module CustomPieChart exposing (main)

import Array exposing (Array)
import Color exposing (Color)
import Example
import Html exposing (Html, br, div, h2, input, label)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (step, style, type_, value)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)
import Path
import Shape exposing (defaultPieConfig)
import TypedSvg exposing (g, svg, text_)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (dy, fill, stroke, textAnchor, transform, viewBox)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (height, width)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Svg, text)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (AnchorAlignment(..), Paint(..), Transform(..), em)

w : Float
w =

h : Float
h =

colors : Array Color
colors =
        [ Color.rgb255 152 171 198
        , Color.rgb255 138 137 166
        , Color.rgb255 123 104 136
        , Color.rgb255 107 72 107
        , Color.rgb255 159 92 85
        , Color.rgb255 208 116 60
        , Color.rgb255 255 96 0

radius : Float
radius =
    min w h / 2

type alias ChartConfig =
    { outerRadius : Float
    , innerRadius : Float
    , padAngle : Float
    , cornerRadius : Float
    , labelPosition : Float

configuration : Example.Configuration ChartConfig
configuration =
        { outerRadius = 210
        , innerRadius = 200
        , padAngle = 0.02
        , cornerRadius = 20
        , labelPosition = 230
        [ Example.floatSlider "Outer Radius" .outerRadius (\v m -> { m | outerRadius = v }) 0 radius
        , Example.floatSlider "Inner Radius" .innerRadius (\v m -> { m | innerRadius = v }) 0 radius
        , Example.floatSlider "Pad Angle" .padAngle (\v m -> { m | padAngle = v }) 0 0.8
        , Example.floatSlider "Corner Radius" .cornerRadius (\v m -> { m | cornerRadius = v }) 0 20
        , Example.floatSlider "Label Position" .labelPosition (\v m -> { m | labelPosition = v }) 0 radius

drawChart : ChartConfig -> List ( String, Float ) -> Svg msg
drawChart config model =
        pieData =
                |> List.map Tuple.second
                |> Shape.pie
                    { defaultPieConfig
                        | innerRadius = config.innerRadius
                        , outerRadius = config.outerRadius
                        , padAngle = config.padAngle
                        , cornerRadius = config.cornerRadius
                        , sortingFn = \_ _ -> EQ

        makeSlice index datum =
            Path.element (Shape.arc datum) [ fill <| Paint <| Maybe.withDefault Color.black <| Array.get index colors, stroke <| Paint Color.white ]

        makeLabel slice ( label, value ) =
                ( x, y ) =
                    Shape.centroid { slice | innerRadius = config.labelPosition, outerRadius = config.labelPosition }
                [ transform [ Translate x y ]
                , dy (em 0.35)
                , textAnchor AnchorMiddle
                [ text label ]
    svg [ width (radius * 2), height (radius * 2) ]
        [ g [ transform [ Translate radius radius ] ]
            [ g [] <| List.indexedMap makeSlice pieData
            , g [] <| List.map2 makeLabel pieData model

view : ChartConfig -> Html (Example.ConfigMsg ChartConfig)
view model =
    div [ style "display" "flex", style "justify-content" "space-around" ]
        [ drawChart model data
        , Example.verticalPanel "Pie Configuration" configuration model

data : List ( String, Float )
data =
    [ ( "<5", 2704659 )
    , ( "5-13", 4499890 )
    , ( "14-17", 2159981 )
    , ( "18-24", 3853788 )
    , ( "25-44", 14106543 )
    , ( "45-64", 8819342 )
    , ( "≥65", 612463 )

main =
    Example.configurable configuration view