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Color Maps

Edit on Ellie

Color Maps

This module shows the color schemes available in the Scale.Color module

module ColorMaps exposing (main)

import Array
import Browser
import Color exposing (Color, rgb255)
import Html exposing (Html, div)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, for, href, id, selected, style, title, type_, value)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)
import Interpolation exposing (Interpolator)
import Scale.Color

pallete : String -> List ( String, List (Html msg) ) -> Html msg
pallete title items =
    Html.section [ style "display" "flex", style "align-items" "flex-start", style "margin-bottom" "30px", style "padding-right" "20px" ]
        [ Html.h3 [ style "position" "sticky", style "top" "10px", style "width" "250px" ] [ Html.text title ]
        , items
            |> List.map
                (\( name, colors ) ->
                    Html.div []
                        [ Html.h5 [ style "margin-bottom" "4px", style "margin-top" "10px", style "font-weight" "normal" ] [ Html.text name ]
                        , Html.div [ style "display" "flex" ] colors
            |> Html.div [ style "flex-grow" "1" ]

interpolatorPallete : String -> List ( String, Interpolator Color ) -> Html msg
interpolatorPallete title items =
    pallete title (List.map (Tuple.mapSecond interpolation) items)

collectionPallete : String -> List ( String, List Color ) -> Html msg
collectionPallete title items =
    pallete title (List.map (Tuple.mapSecond (List.map swatch)) items)

swatch : Color -> Html msg
swatch color =
    Html.div [ style "background-color" (Color.toCssString color), title (Color.toCssString color), style "height" "30px", style "flex-grow" "1" ] []

interpolation : Interpolator Color -> List (Html msg)
interpolation interpolator =
    List.range 1 61
        |> List.map (\v -> toFloat v / 60)
        |> List.map interpolator
        |> List.map swatch

view : Html msg
view =
    Html.div [ style "height" "100vh", style "overflow-y" "auto", style "font-family" "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, \"Segoe UI\", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" ]
        [ collectionPallete "Categorical"
            [ ( "category10", Scale.Color.category10 )
            , ( "tableau10", Scale.Color.tableau10 )
            , ( "paired", Scale.Color.paired )
            , ( "set1", Scale.Color.set1 )
            , ( "set2", Scale.Color.set2 )
            , ( "accent", Scale.Color.accent )
            , ( "pastel1", Scale.Color.pastel1 )
            , ( "pastel2", Scale.Color.pastel2 )
            , ( "colorblind", Scale.Color.colorblind )
        , interpolatorPallete "Sequential Single-Hue"
            [ ( "blues", Scale.Color.bluesInterpolator )
            , ( "greens", Scale.Color.greensInterpolator )
            , ( "greys", Scale.Color.greysInterpolator )
            , ( "oranges", Scale.Color.orangesInterpolator )
            , ( "light-oranges", Scale.Color.lightOrangeInterpolator )
            , ( "purples", Scale.Color.purplesInterpolator )
            , ( "reds", Scale.Color.redsInterpolator )
            , ( "browns", Scale.Color.brownsInterpolator )
            , ( "teals", Scale.Color.tealInterpolator )
            , ( "warm greys", Scale.Color.warmGreysInterpolator )
        , interpolatorPallete "Sequential Multi-Hue"
            [ ( "blue-greens", Scale.Color.blueGreenInterpolator )
            , ( "blue-purples", Scale.Color.bluePurpleInterpolator )
            , ( "green-blues", Scale.Color.greenBlueInterpolator )
            , ( "orange-reds", Scale.Color.orangeRedInterpolator )
            , ( "purple-blues", Scale.Color.purpleBlueInterpolator )
            , ( "purple-blue-greens", Scale.Color.purpleBlueGreenInterpolator )
            , ( "purple-reds", Scale.Color.purpleRedInterpolator )
            , ( "red-purples", Scale.Color.redPurpleInterpolator )
            , ( "yellow-greens", Scale.Color.yellowGreenInterpolator )
            , ( "yellow-orange-browns", Scale.Color.yellowOrangeBrownInterpolator )
            , ( "yellow-orange-reds", Scale.Color.yellowOrangeRedInterpolator )
            , ( "teal-bluess", Scale.Color.tealBluesInterpolator )
            , ( "gold-greens", Scale.Color.goldGreensInterpolator )
            , ( "gold-oranges", Scale.Color.goldOrangeInterpolator )
            , ( "gold-reds", Scale.Color.goldRedInterpolator )
            , ( "light-grey-reds", Scale.Color.lightGreyRedInterpolator )
            , ( "light-grey-teals", Scale.Color.lightGreyTealInterpolator )
            , ( "light-multi", Scale.Color.lightMultiInterpolator )
        , interpolatorPallete "Diverging"
            [ ( "carbon palette1", Scale.Color.carbonDiverging1Interpolator )
            , ( "carbon palette2", Scale.Color.carbonDiverging2Interpolator )
            , ( "blue-oranges", Scale.Color.blueOrangeInterpolator )
            , ( "brown-blue-greens", Scale.Color.brownBlueGreenInterpolator )
            , ( "purple-greens", Scale.Color.purpleGreenInterpolator )
            , ( "purple-oranges", Scale.Color.purpleOrangeInterpolator )
            , ( "red-blues", Scale.Color.redBlueInterpolator )
            , ( "red-greys", Scale.Color.redGreyInterpolator )
            , ( "yellow-green-blues", Scale.Color.yellowGreenBlueInterpolator )
            , ( "red-yellow-blues", Scale.Color.redYellowBlueInterpolator )
            , ( "red-yellow-greens", Scale.Color.redYellowGreenInterpolator )
            , ( "pink-yellow-greens", Scale.Color.pinkYellowGreenInterpolator )
            , ( "spectral", Scale.Color.spectralInterpolator )
        , interpolatorPallete "Cyclic"
            [ ( "rainbow", Scale.Color.rainbowInterpolator )
            , ( "sinebow", Scale.Color.sinebowInterpolator )
            , ( "turbo", Scale.Color.turboInterpolator )

main : Html msg
main =