Force Directed Graph
This demonstrates laying out the characters in Les Miserables based on their co-occurence in a scene. Try dragging the nodes!
module ForceDirectedGraph exposing (main)
import Browser
import Browser.Events
import Color
import Force exposing (State)
import Graph exposing (Edge, Graph, Node, NodeContext, NodeId)
import Html
import Html.Events exposing (on)
import Html.Events.Extra.Mouse as Mouse
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Time
import TypedSvg exposing (circle, g, line, svg, title)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (class, fill, stroke, viewBox)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (cx, cy, r, strokeWidth, x1, x2, y1, y2)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Attribute, Svg, text)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (Paint(..))
w : Float
w =
h : Float
h =
type Msg
= DragStart NodeId ( Float, Float )
| DragAt ( Float, Float )
| DragEnd ( Float, Float )
| Tick Time.Posix
type alias Model =
{ drag : Maybe Drag
, graph : Graph Entity ()
, simulation : Force.State NodeId
type alias Drag =
{ start : ( Float, Float )
, current : ( Float, Float )
, index : NodeId
type alias Entity =
Force.Entity NodeId { value : String }
initializeNode : NodeContext String () -> NodeContext Entity ()
initializeNode ctx =
{ node = { label = Force.entity ctx.node.label, id = }
, incoming = ctx.incoming
, outgoing = ctx.outgoing
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
graph =
Graph.mapContexts initializeNode miserablesGraph
link { from, to } =
( from, to )
forces =
[ Force.links <| link <| Graph.edges graph
, Force.manyBody <| .id <| Graph.nodes graph
, (w / 2) (h / 2)
( Model Nothing graph (Force.simulation forces), Cmd.none )
updateNode : ( Float, Float ) -> NodeContext Entity () -> NodeContext Entity ()
updateNode ( x, y ) nodeCtx =
nodeValue =
updateContextWithValue nodeCtx { nodeValue | x = x, y = y }
updateContextWithValue : NodeContext Entity () -> Entity -> NodeContext Entity ()
updateContextWithValue nodeCtx value =
node =
{ nodeCtx | node = { node | label = value } }
updateGraphWithList : Graph Entity () -> List Entity -> Graph Entity ()
updateGraphWithList =
graphUpdater value = (\ctx -> updateContextWithValue ctx value)
List.foldr (\node graph -> Graph.update (graphUpdater node) graph)
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg ({ drag, graph, simulation } as model) =
case msg of
Tick t ->
( newState, list ) =
Force.tick simulation <| .label <| Graph.nodes graph
case drag of
Nothing ->
Model drag (updateGraphWithList graph list) newState
Just { current, index } ->
Model drag
(Graph.update index
( (updateNode current))
(updateGraphWithList graph list)
DragStart index xy ->
Model (Just (Drag xy xy index)) graph simulation
DragAt xy ->
case drag of
Just { start, index } ->
Model (Just (Drag start xy index))
(Graph.update index ( (updateNode xy)) graph)
(Force.reheat simulation)
Nothing ->
Model Nothing graph simulation
DragEnd xy ->
case drag of
Just { start, index } ->
Model Nothing
(Graph.update index ( (updateNode xy)) graph)
Nothing ->
Model Nothing graph simulation
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
case model.drag of
Nothing ->
-- This allows us to save resources, as if the simulation is done, there is no point in subscribing
-- to the rAF.
if Force.isCompleted model.simulation then
Browser.Events.onAnimationFrame Tick
Just _ ->
[ Browser.Events.onMouseMove ( (.clientPos >> DragAt) Mouse.eventDecoder)
, Browser.Events.onMouseUp ( (.clientPos >> DragEnd) Mouse.eventDecoder)
, Browser.Events.onAnimationFrame Tick
onMouseDown : NodeId -> Attribute Msg
onMouseDown index =
Mouse.onDown (.clientPos >> DragStart index)
linkElement : Graph Entity () -> Edge () -> Svg msg
linkElement graph edge =
source =
Maybe.withDefault (Force.entity 0 "") <| (.node >> .label) <| Graph.get edge.from graph
target =
Maybe.withDefault (Force.entity 0 "") <| (.node >> .label) <| Graph.get graph
[ strokeWidth 1
, stroke <| Paint <| Color.rgb255 170 170 170
, x1 source.x
, y1 source.y
, x2 target.x
, y2 target.y
nodeElement : { a | id : NodeId, label : { b | x : Float, y : Float, value : String } } -> Svg Msg
nodeElement node =
[ r 2.5
, fill <| Paint
, stroke <| Paint <| Color.rgba 0 0 0 0
, strokeWidth 7
, onMouseDown
, cx node.label.x
, cy node.label.y
[ title [] [ text node.label.value ] ]
view : Model -> Svg Msg
view model =
svg [ viewBox 0 0 w h ]
[ Graph.edges model.graph
|> (linkElement model.graph)
|> g [ class [ "links" ] ]
, Graph.nodes model.graph
|> nodeElement
|> g [ class [ "nodes" ] ]
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = \msg model -> ( update msg model, Cmd.none )
, subscriptions = subscriptions
miserablesGraph : Graph String ()
miserablesGraph =
[ "Myriel"
, "Napoleon"
, "Mlle.Baptistine"
, "Mme.Magloire"
, "CountessdeLo"
, "Geborand"
, "Champtercier"
, "Cravatte"
, "Count"
, "OldMan"
, "Labarre"
, "Valjean"
, "Marguerite"
, "Mme.deR"
, "Isabeau"
, "Gervais"
, "Tholomyes"
, "Listolier"
, "Fameuil"
, "Blacheville"
, "Favourite"
, "Dahlia"
, "Zephine"
, "Fantine"
, "Mme.Thenardier"
, "Thenardier"
, "Cosette"
, "Javert"
, "Fauchelevent"
, "Bamatabois"
, "Perpetue"
, "Simplice"
, "Scaufflaire"
, "Woman1"
, "Judge"
, "Champmathieu"
, "Brevet"
, "Chenildieu"
, "Cochepaille"
, "Pontmercy"
, "Boulatruelle"
, "Eponine"
, "Anzelma"
, "Woman2"
, "MotherInnocent"
, "Gribier"
, "Jondrette"
, "Mme.Burgon"
, "Gavroche"
, "Gillenormand"
, "Magnon"
, "Mlle.Gillenormand"
, "Mme.Pontmercy"
, "Mlle.Vaubois"
, "Lt.Gillenormand"
, "Marius"
, "BaronessT"
, "Mabeuf"
, "Enjolras"
, "Combeferre"
, "Prouvaire"
, "Feuilly"
, "Courfeyrac"
, "Bahorel"
, "Bossuet"
, "Joly"
, "Grantaire"
, "MotherPlutarch"
, "Gueulemer"
, "Babet"
, "Claquesous"
, "Montparnasse"
, "Toussaint"
, "Child1"
, "Child2"
, "Brujon"
, "Mme.Hucheloup"
[ ( 1, 0 )
, ( 2, 0 )
, ( 3, 0 )
, ( 3, 2 )
, ( 4, 0 )
, ( 5, 0 )
, ( 6, 0 )
, ( 7, 0 )
, ( 8, 0 )
, ( 9, 0 )
, ( 11, 10 )
, ( 11, 3 )
, ( 11, 2 )
, ( 11, 0 )
, ( 12, 11 )
, ( 13, 11 )
, ( 14, 11 )
, ( 15, 11 )
, ( 17, 16 )
, ( 18, 16 )
, ( 18, 17 )
, ( 19, 16 )
, ( 19, 17 )
, ( 19, 18 )
, ( 20, 16 )
, ( 20, 17 )
, ( 20, 18 )
, ( 20, 19 )
, ( 21, 16 )
, ( 21, 17 )
, ( 21, 18 )
, ( 21, 19 )
, ( 21, 20 )
, ( 22, 16 )
, ( 22, 17 )
, ( 22, 18 )
, ( 22, 19 )
, ( 22, 20 )
, ( 22, 21 )
, ( 23, 16 )
, ( 23, 17 )
, ( 23, 18 )
, ( 23, 19 )
, ( 23, 20 )
, ( 23, 21 )
, ( 23, 22 )
, ( 23, 12 )
, ( 23, 11 )
, ( 24, 23 )
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{- {"delay": 5} -}